Terms Of Use

Welcome to Businessheals.com. If you want to continue the use of this site then you must abide by the terms and conditions including the privacy policy which will help us to maintain better relationships with the users.

The terms such as “us “, “we” is referring to the owner i.e., Businessheals. The term such as you refers to the user of this site.

The use of this site is under some terms and conditions:

  • All the content on this site is for general use and may change without any notice.
  • We use cookies to analyze the browsing and if you allow the cookies to be used, some of the user information will be accessed.
  • We do not assure that the information shared on the site is completely accurate and do not any inaccuracies. You acknowledge that such information may contain some errors that will be corrected as soon as encountered.
  • The information you share on this site will be at your own risk. We do not hold any responsibility for the information shared by you.
  • All the material and content available on the site is licensed to us. This does not include the designs, graphics, and images used. Using the site’s information for any third party use is strictly prohibited covered under the license of Businessheals.com.
  • Unauthorized use of this site for any personal or commercial use will be counted under criminal offense and will be liable for a claim.
  • This website contains links to another website. This is done to make your browsing experience better. We do not hold any responsibility for the linked websites.
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